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Career and Leadership Coaching for Trauma Survivors 

Even if you haven't experienced trauma yourself, chances are you work with someone that has. Trauma can impact a person’s career and leadership development in unique ways and if you’re looking for coaching support for yourself or an employee, you’ll want to consider someone that is trained in trauma-informed coaching.

Trauma experiences are negative, distressing, emotionally intense and can undermine a person's ability to cope with everyday life. Trauma is categorized into three different types: 1) Acute - from a single incident, 2) Chronic - repeated and prolonged, 3) Complex - exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature (Source: www.movingthehuman spirit.com)

Not everyone will experience trauma in the same way, or even in response to the same circumstances. Our capacity to take action in those moments, the nature of our upbringing in terms of developing personal resilience, and our belief systems can influence whether or not we suffer from trauma.

As someone who has experienced trauma myself, I know the unique challenges that trauma survivors face in the workplace:

  • We can struggle to see ourselves (and be seen by others) as the leader we are capable of being.
  • It can feel unsafe to position ourselves in a place of increased visibility and authority, and difficult to trust in team members and colleagues.
  • Our inner critic voice can be so loud and persistent it may seem impossible to succeed in leadership roles.
  • And if we’re not used to thinking about our own wants and needs, it can also be hard to identify career objectives with any clarity or confidence.

The best way I know to process and heal from trauma is to speak to a good therapist or counsellor. They can help you reconnect to your emotions, learn how to get your core needs met, and navigate personal relationships and circumstances with greater objectivity and understanding. 

When it comes to getting out of your own way and nurturing your ambitions in your career and leadership, trauma-informed coaching is important for people who have experienced trauma. Not all coaches are trauma-informed, and this can result in increased frustration and even harm or re-traumatization in the coaching conversation. 

What I've discovered after years of processing my own trauma is that we have unique needs when it comes to our career and leadership development, and what is required from those who support us.

We aren't just victims, though, and we don't need pity. In fact, the strengths that you've used to survive are the same strengths that will help you grow as a leader and in your career.

When you're ready:

  • to be seen and heard for all that you really are, and are becoming, without judgment or unintentional gaslighting,
  • to create the kind of work and life you long for and be the leader you know you can be,
  • to find peace in who you are and let go of shame and self-doubt, let's talk.

Connect with me here.

Or check out my latest offerings below by clicking on the links:

Career Coaching Exploration: Sometimes we just need a little direction to help us on our way. My 3-session Career Coaching Exploration offers people the boost they need to move forward with a sense of purpose, confidence, clarity, and motivation.

Quarterly Leadership Recharge: Now that you’re in a leadership role, you know you can benefit from ongoing coaching support. My Quarterly Leadership Recharge is ideal for leaders like yourself who want to maintain momentum and confidence as you experiment with the new perspectives and ideas that you develop during our coaching interactions. 

Maggie DiStasi is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Trauma-Informed Certified Coach (TICC). While not limited to this area of focus, Maggie specializes in career and leadership coaching for trauma survivors – people who have experienced emotional and/or physical abuse, hate and/or discrimination, chronic illness and/or disability. When people can truly appreciate who they are with greater awareness, and far less shame, is when they can begin to lead with confidence.

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